Fall Landscape Maintenance

Fall is a great time to start planning your next year's landscaping maintenance. There is no better time to get out and enjoy the weather than during the fall months. So, why not take advantage of this time to prepare your yard for winter? Here are some tips for maintaining your lawn and garden during fall: 

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Lawn and Garden Landscape Maintenance During Fall

Plant and Tree Mulching

Fall is one of the best times for mulching. Mulching around plants during this season has all kinds of benefits. It prevents soil erosion and suppresses weeds. Mulch also protects plants from moisture loss as we slowly shift to colder temperatures. Mulch your plants with bark, pine needles, or leaves. 

Lawn Fertilization

Have your lawn fertilized in early Fall to encourage new grass growth for next spring's lawn care season. Apply fertilizers twice during the growing season — once in May before the heat of summer arrives and again in late summer. September is a great time to fertilize your lawn. The grass is recovering from a long hot summer and may be coming out of a drought-induced dormancy, so you'll want to give your yard a revamp in preparation for winter.

It may seem odd to think about landscaping when there aren't any leaves on your trees, but it's essential to prepare now, so you have time to enjoy your yard later in the year!

Pest Inspection and Management

With cooler weather comes some pests like ants, wasps, spiders, emerald ash borers, spotted lanternflies, and other insects that can infest homes and your landscape. Call a local certified arborist if you suspect any looming pest infestations from your trees and plants.

Fall is one of the perfect seasons to do maintenance on your property. There are lots of tasks you can do before winter sets in. If you're looking for a local landscape maintenance company to do landscape work on your behalf, you can look into the services of Burkholder Landscaping! Visit their website at https://www.burkholderlandscape.com to learn more about their landscaping services.
