Control and Integrated Pest Management

Integrated pest management uses biological, physical, and chemical methods to prevent pest damage to crops, livestock, plants, and trees. Pest management professionals such as certified arborists are able to create integrated pest management programs and have training and certification from the International Society of Arboriculture or ISA. 

The term "pest" describes any living organism that is unwanted or considered a nuisance. Pests can be invasive insects, birds, rodents, deers, and other mammals. Pests can also be weeds or fungi (such as mildew) as they can also cause damage to plants and trees. 

integrated pest management

Various Pest Control and Integrated Pest Management Programs

There are multiple ways to control pests:

  • Biological control: This method uses natural predators and parasites of pests to reduce their numbers. For example, ladybugs are used to control aphids on plants.
  • Chemical control: This method uses insecticides or other chemicals to prevent or repel pests.
  • Physical control: This method uses physical barriers such as screens and netting to prevent pests from entering properties or areas where they are not welcomed.
  • Sanitary measures: These methods include good hygiene practices such as keeping food storage areas clean and storing products properly so that there is less chance of contamination

Choosing a Local Pest Management Contractor

Integrated pest management services are performed by professionals or certified arborists on behalf of property owners. If you want guaranteed results in treating and managing pests in your landscape, you need to hire professionals who know what they're doing. 

Try a local plant health care contractor near your area as they have people who specialize in different types of pest management, and they can offer the best treatment possible for your landscape. Consider getting the services from Burkholder Plant Health Care. They can solve your infestation problem quickly and effectively and offer free consultations. Learn more about their plant health care programs and services at
