Factors to Consider in Patio Design

A well-designed patio is always a great place to relax, entertain friends and spend some quality time with family. Always hire a professional design company for the job. However, to talk to the company about all that you want in your patio, to make a list of it before your meeting, it is important to learn more about the factors that you need to consider for a patio design. Keep reading as we give you a sneak peek into what you need to know!

patio design

Size and Position

The size of your patio will depend on how big your backyard is! Even before thinking about the designs, determine how much space in your backyard can be made available for a patio and where exactly you can position it to reap maximum benefits out of the new addition.


Usability or functionality is another major factor to consider as a part of your patio design. Once you have determined where your patio will be located and what size it will be, you can go ahead and decide on how you want to use the space. Do you want it to only entertain your guests or do you want to enjoy some ‘me’ time here or do you want it as a multi-functional space? If it is the latter, you can think of creating zones in the patio to cater to your varied needs. You need to look for features to add to the patio to enhance its usability and give you more value for your money!


Next comes appearance. Imparting a good look to your patio is always a high priority. You can think of nice patio pavers for a unique look. To make the space look a little larger, you can think of adding borders to the patio which will also add some contrast to your landscaping. Choosing the correct material for your patio plays a major role in the look and feel of the place. Remember, your patio should reflect the style of the interiors of your home and the exterior materials it is built with! If you own a modern home, opt for contemporary materials, while if yours is a more traditional abode, use materials that match the period’s style.

Burkholder Brothers is a popular top-notch Main Line landscaper. The company’s specialists design, build and maintain fine landscapes. Professional and trustworthy, they are an expert group of experienced and talented carpenters, masons, electricians, horticulturists, and contractors who follow the highest quality standards to ensure that your project is completed properly. Visit https://www.burkholderlandscape.com/ for more information by patio design experts.
