DIY Vs. Professional Turf Care

Everyone loves a well-maintained lawn. Regular turf care enhances your curb appeal and adds value to your home. The question is whether you should do it yourself or hire a professional for the job? Let us weigh it out.

turf care

Money Matters

There are chances that if you are thinking of taking care of the turf yourself, you want to do it to save some money. But the reality is, do you really save? Initially, DIY turf care might seem less expensive, but in the long run, it can cost you more than hiring professional services would have! How? There are many hidden costs along the way that you will miss and also, not being an expert, will end up making some mistakes which could turn out to be expensive lessons to learn!

Time is Key

Turf care and maintenance is time-consuming. Instead of spending quality time with your family on a weekend morning, you will have to head to your lawn and slog it out there if you decide to go the DIY way! Additionally, you will have to find time out to research all that you need for the project, make several trips to the store to buy them and then finally clean them up and store them properly for timely use.

The Results Speak For Themselves

A professional turf care service provider is an expert in the field with proper knowledge and training to ensure the best results, which, you, as a DIYer cannot achieve, lacking expertise in the trade.

Problems Galore

Turf care seems an easy job to handle on a lazy Sunday afternoon, but it is not! You can run into numerous problems and not have a clue on how to solve them. Professionals, on the other hand, are experts in the job and  have many tricks up their sleeve to solve issues in no time! Trust them!
Safety Above All

Turf care often involves the use of tools and equipment that need to be used with care in order to ensure safety not only of the person using it, but surrounding people and property. Also, professionals work with materials that are more effective and safe than those used by many homeowners.

Burkholder Landscape provides top-notch lawn design, care and maintenance services. They have a well-trained, experienced team dedicated to providing the best turf care in Main Line Philadelphia communities. To request a free consultation, you can call them on 610-490-8676  or send an email to

About Burkholder Brothers, Inc:

Burkholder Brothers, Inc is passionate about designing, building and maintaining the finest landscapes in the Philadelphia and Delaware Valley area. If you are looking for reliable landscape designers, please contact Burkholder Landscape. For over 20 years, our family owned and operated company has devoted all of its efforts to perfecting the art of landscaping by creating an “all-inclusive” advantage that will provide a single source of service for all of your lawn and landscape needs.
